Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Photo Time Capsule

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Photojojo has a great blog of fun things to do with all of your digital pictures. One of my favorites is the Time Capsule where they send you your most interesting pictures from time period you choose. Mine is currently set for 1 year.

Photo jojo’s Photo Time


April 8th to April 22nd, 2008
A selection of krossbow's
most interesting photos.
what you see?
Get your own Capsule!

DEN in SL featuring Cal Kjeller

Taken April 9, 2008 at 9:50 pm


Sheppard Software - educational games and activities for kids of all ages.


ID Card

My ID card from Eastern Michigan University.
Taken April 20, 2008 at 11:47 am


West Side Story

Program from West Side Story performed in 1980 at Ypsilanti High School
Taken April 21, 2008 at 7:47 pm


DEN in SL featuring Cal Kjeller

Taken April 9, 2008 at 9:31 pm


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Only a Few hours Left – MacHeist 3

MacHeist 3 Bundle

Image by krossbow via Flickr

Wanted to make sure everyone was reminded that there are just a few hours left to take advantage of MacHeist 3. I got 18 applications that would normally cost me nearly $1000 for only $39.

Besides the savings, 25% of the $39 goes to the charity of your choice.

If you have macs at your school checkout Wiretap Studio that allows you to record sounds from any and all applications on your mac. This includes Skype calls and Second Life. Also Boinx TV is your school’s high cost solution to a television studio for a fraction of the cost.

If you don’t think you can use one or two of the applications, give them away as gifts.

Another thing to consider is if you plan on switching to Apple in the near future this is a great way to start off with some really great applications at a low, low, really low price.


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